Online Personal Training

Our online personal training is is in app that quickly allows you to access your workouts, meal plan, support groups, body measurements , SmartWatch information and photo tracking accessible, efficient and fun.

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In Person Personal Training

Reach me at FIT4LIFE All American here in Fayetteville, NC. Personal training is through FIT4LIFE and is up to $90 for 1-hour of training or as low as $30 for personal training

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Mobile Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is available. You can always come to us or we can come to your as we typically do mobile massage therapy.

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Meal Planning

Depending on what your fitness goals are, meal plan is very important. Having the right meal plan will make or break your transformation. Nearly all our workout programs come with meal plans.

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Bodybuilding Posing Clinic

Bodybuilding posing clinics help bodybuilders improve their posing skills, learn how to present themselves on stage, and prepare for competitions. BodyXhibit offers one-on-one instruction, and online lessons. We help our members with choreography, music, and other aspects of a bodybuilder's routine.

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30 Day Challenges

BodyXhibit 30-day workout challenges allows give members a variety of exercise, nutrition, and mindful programs that consists of daily workouts and challenges designed to help you work towards achieving you fitness goals in just in 30 days. It aims to help you create a consistent exercise routine over the course of a month, to help build healthy habits that feel sustainable.

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This form provides me with the necessary information on you and your fitness goals. Please fill it out with complete details. This helps me understand how to recommend the perfect workout training  program and diet guide specifically for you.

Full coaching experience start at $99.99 or $149.99 a month moving depending on the complexity of your workout program. General guides $39.99 flat fee no monthly payment.

What are your top 3 fitness goals?


BodyXhibit is the leading transformation trainer in an app. We help our members get to their exact fitness goals with personalized workout and meal plans built by humans.  We believe a human can only understand the human equation.

Corey P

BodyXhibit Member


Say hello to my fellow airman Corey. Corey and I worked out together when we were stationed at the Pentagon. I was getting ready for my very first bodybuilding competition and I was also the Unit Fitness Program Manager. Corey asked me how I got shredded so I took him through the process of transforming his physique and this is the result. We did this in 4 months time. We worked out 5 days a week as that's all he could do. He's a father and a husband so besides work, he got family duties to perform as well, yet early in the morning I was able to transform his physique. I changed his meal plan and put him on what today is called The Walk 1. Corey lost fat weight, but added muscle weight so the scale did go up, but was because of muscle.

Jason W.

BodyXhibit Member

Say hello to Jason Woodard. Here is his true story. "So the 12 week body transformation challenge with is officially done. I lost 52 lbs and a little over 11% body fat. Thank you everyone for the support and vote of confidence. So many positive things have came from this experience. My goal when I started this on Feb. 3rd and weighed 307 lbs was to get in the 240's. I came up about 5 lbs short of that goal but I'm not done and will continue on this life style change. I may not have taken first in the challenge but In no way do I feel like I lost. I won in so many aspects that I never even imagined I would at the start of this challenge. If you're looking for a great workout program and the best transformation trainer (Christopher Kennerly) @cbkennerly, is your guy. Thank you @bodyxhibit_fitness and everyone else that helped or supported me in my journey!"

Cedric M.

BodyXhibit Member

This is one of the testimonials you can use for adding customer feedback / satisfaction on your website. You can edit all of this text and replace it with anything your customer has had to say about you or your company or services. Edit your Testimonials from the Pages tab by clicking the edit button.

Cedric's Transformation

Dr. Oscar J.

Doctor of Internal Medicine


Say hello to Dr. Oscar James. Dr. James is an Internal Medicine doctor. He joined BodyXhibit and in 90 days this is his transformation. He got sick and tired of have the dad bod.. He's a father and unfortunately recently divorced. He wanted to get back out there and start dating again and hopefully he finds his new wife. Either way, he has a new mind set as he starts his new, next chapter of living healthier not only for himself and his kids, but also his future wife.

Oscar's Transformation

Ms. Cheryl

BodyXhibit Member

Say hello to Ms. Cheryl. Ms. Cheryl is a month and now a newlywed. After a bad marriage and divorce while raising two young children she had to make a choice. She chose to challenge herself and make change. She used to take nothing but group classes a few times a week. It wasn't working she couldn't figure out why. So, she started working out with BodyXhibit and we changed up everything while teaching her how to keep it for life. The first thing we did was get her on the transformation meal plan. Breaking food habits isn't easy, but we managed to get through, fairly quickly I might add. Sometimes it's hard for people to make the change, but in her case she was ready to move the numbers and get the body she wanted. This is her transformation in 90 days. That's only 3 months. She choose the BODYXHIBIT CHALLENGE and the REVENGE X, workout Program.

Toya W.

BodyXhibit Member, Retired Navy, grandmother, wife, friend

Toya, a grandmother, a wife, a friend was working out and I simply asked her what her fitness goals were. At first, they were all over the place when all she wanted was to transform here physique. Well @bodyxhibit_fitness, did just that. Again, we got to the specifics of what she wanted and bam she became a client. In 16 weeks working with us, this is here tranformation. Not bad at all. Now she's a Glam-ma, not a grandma. She believed she can do anything through Christ and this is the result of that belief. Mind you she was a little bit scared from knee issues, but in true BODYXHIBIT fashion, we made modifications she could do. She got strong and definitely leaner as you can tell. This was a 16 week transformation.

Rod M.

BodyXhibit Member

Say hello to Rod Mitchell. Rod is a member of @bodyxhibit_fitness and he was doing the all strength workout. Well he wanted way more aesthetics than what he was doing. In true BODYXHIBIT Training & Nutrition, we changed his workout style, put him on a meal plan and finally got him to do cardio. This is what has transformation so far. His first first day was Jan 25, 2023. He got his body fat percentage, weight, and skeletal muscle mass. We lost the fat, but we added muscle. This is what is called aesthetics. This happened in 90 days.

Rachel H.

BodyXhibit Member

Say hello to Rachel Howe. My sister. I started training my sister Monday Jan 30, 2023. As of April 20th, She has really made a transformation. In 2 months, here's what has happened so far. She's lost a total of lost the what I call the hot dog in the back of her neck. Her posture has improved a tone. Her stomach has gone down from a size 15/16 to a size 9/10 and still going down. Her glutes have toned up and her arms have started toning up. Her double chin is almost gone and her endurance has gone way up. Her confidence has gone up tremendously. She never would have been caught with her arms out let alone take a picture wearing a tank top. She has gone from an XL shirt to a size medium. Again in 2 MONTHS. That's crazy. Here's what we did. We changed how she was working out. Made it more for aesthetics vs just strength as we are an aesthetics based fitness company. Totally revamped her meal and cardio plan and starting showing her how to workout and move the numbers 5X faster than before. Yes we did this with all natural options with minor over the counter supplements. She's in the 16 week Transform F4L workout program. How'd she get to be overweight? Well several years back she was in a car accident. The doctor told her to take it easy as she has a bulging disc and scoliosis. We had to make a lot different exercise variations just for her and upload into our personal training app. She was added to our in-app fitness groups that keep her motivated and on track. This is the end of her 2nd month using BODYXHIBIT. She weighs in, in just a few days. Can't wait to see the results and share them with you. As of May 1, 2023, Rachel is still under reconstruction of her body.

Kristy S

Chef, Real Estate Agent, very busy mom of 2

Say hello to Kristy Sanchez. This amazingly beautiful woman wanted to shred pounds and get her body back from having kids, a bad marriage and to honest all the negative BS. So we met and this is what happened. It took about 6 months for it all to happen. Toned arms, smaller waist, sexy glutes and legs. Now this beautiful Latina is killing it and we so very proud.

Kimberly S.

BodyXhibit Member

12 Weeks ago, Kimberly took the BodyXhibit Transformation Challenge with the goal of making myself a healthier person. We started her off by getting her off the "diet" and creating a whole new meal plan and eating plan for her. "I joined this journey to prove to myself nothing is impossible, you just have to want it and work for it. I knew there was going to be times when I wanted to quit or stop but I just kept pushing 6 days a week and set the bar higher every time. Looking at these pictures and seeing the new numbers make me so happy but I didn't get there by myself. "I had the help of an amazing personal trainer., Chris Kennerly of BodyXhibit. I trained with him at his gym, once a week we met and crushed a workout together taking me to new levels each time. The other days I used his training app. He helped me realize that there are no excuses, NONE, he also helped me turn my motivation into dedication! Each session was unique and fun and one never to forget. On other days, I used his fitness app and OMG, it was like he was training me himself. I've gone from 220 llbs down to 203 labs, lost 7" inches around my stomach. Throughout my twelve weeks I was also lucky enough to gain so many new friends in his fitness groups. I am so happy to have met ya'll and have you in my life. This challenge had so many positive affects on me personally, mentally, and spiritually all in which I am thankful for. Now I am a proud team member of BodyXhibit and what a great team they have!!"

Steven Johnston



Say hello to Steven Johnston, Steven hit us up. He was going to the gym working out but like so many other people but he was not seeing the results he wanted. He wanted to do get rid of the dad bod, lower his body fat (a lot) and gain more muscle with more muscle definition and look more athletic. So, he contacted us and here's what happened. It started off with a phone call. Once we got his goal locked in, he went with the TRANFORM X2 Workout Program. We put him on the BodyXhibit Meal Plan, and changed his cardio. This is the result of only 4 months working with us. He tried other personal trainers and other personal training apps, but they just didn't give him the results that he wanted. We definitely get it. We are so happy to be able to transform is life for the better. He feels more confident about his physique. Doesn't hurt that his wife likes it too lol.

Yes.  Our abdominal or core workouts is called Killer Core.  There's a version for the women and there is one for me.  These workouts are made for the gym as a gym has more equipment so that workout doesn't get boring and also will help remove fitness plateaus.
Yes.  The HE-READY Gym Workout Program, SHE-READY & HOMEWERK home workout programs have 3-5 days in them.  You can start of 3-days a week and when you are ready to add more todays, your workout is just waiting for you to  do it.
Our workouts are and never will be artificial intelligence.  Our workout programs are built by real human personal trainers.  We need real people to handle real people programs, questions and solutions. We like our members to have that human factor ready for them.
That depends on many factors such as what is your exact fitness goal.  What exactly are you wanting?  How far away are you from your fitness goal?  What is your meal plan like, how many days a week do you workout and what's the intensity level.  These are questions that people are not answering and one of the main reasons why many people don't reach their fitness goals.
Yes we have meal plan options.  As for getting the meals you need for what you want, we have partnered with Tye's Kitchen to help us.  Tye's Kitchen provides healthy but delicious meal plans customized for your weight and/or health goals.
Yes, we are on both platforms.  We use Trainerize as the software, but we build all the workouts for what you want.
Absolutely.  That workout program is called Tracker X.  Tracker X allows you to build your own workouts and track them.  If you want help, Tracker XT allows you access to talk to your personal trainer for help and anything you need.
That's up to you and your schedule.  People who are typically very serious about their fitness will workout 6-days a week.  People maybe just starting and don't want to go too hard may start off 3-day week and work their way up.
Typically for the person who is serious about their fitgoals will workout upwards of 2 hours a day.

On the opposite side there are many people who only workout 30 minutes a day. Most of workout programs are 1-hour and our more intense workouts go for as long as 2 hours.
We recommend a mix of cardio and strength training. Alternating between the two is a good way to find balance. Why both and not just one? Because you want to reap the benefits of each!

According to the American Cancer Society, two to three strength-based workouts each week can result in significant health benefits, such as increased muscle mass, stronger bones, boosted metabolism, better posture, balance and joint flexibility. Research shows it also can boost heart health and have a positive impact on your mental health.

Regularly increasing your heart rate and blood flow by adding cardio into your routine can also promote heart, brain, skin and lung health, as well as improve your sleep and energy levels.

Yes we want health to increase to reduce or remove risk for diseases, our clients join us as our clients care about how they look first, then care about any health issues as their second option.

This question is why BodyXhibit exist and is growing like crazy in Fayetteville.  Most people have not truly identified a fitness goal and therefore their workouts are all different.  Many people do not know that strength and aesthetic workouts are totally different.  Secondly because their fitness goals hasn't been set, their nutrition plan also hasn't been set and perhaps they are eating 'healthy", but then again maybe not.
While there are so many benefits to regular exercise, it’s just one part of the picture when it comes to your health.

As you get used to your new fitness routine, try to be more active in your daily life by taking the stairs or adding in more walking, such as during meetings, on your lunch break, with your kids, or on your commute.

Now that you’re training regularly, you may find you get hungry more often. Fill your fridge and pantry with nutrient-rich foods and plenty of fruit and vegetables - it’s easier to make a healthy choice when there’s one ready to go.
  • Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States

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  •  6/16/2020 12:00 AM

1. BodyXhibit 2 Week Free Trial

We offer a free trial subscription for service. At the end of your free trial please purchase your exercise program and everything continues as normal.  Should BodyXhibit not be for you, you will not be charged. To try any exercise program use code: BX4FREE

2. Subscription

The subscription begins from the first payment and renews automatically at the end of each period (each week, month, 6 months, year, or otherwise, depending on the option selected by you at the time of purchase) until you cancel.  You can cancel at any time as we do not have contracts.  We understand not everything is black or white.

3. Payment Method

Payment will be charged to the payment method you submitted at the time of purchase at confirmation of purchase. You authorize us to charge the applicable subscription fees to the payment method that you submit.

4. Cancellation

Canceling your subscription means that the automatic renewal will be disabled, but you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your then-current period. Note that deleting the app does not cancel your subscriptions.  BodyXhibit will reach to you and ask if you’d like to go down to our Basic access which means all your hard work is still there, but you just need to take a break and want to return.

5. Changes

Members may change their exercise program anytime they wish to.  Without having to resubmit a credit card and go through a lengthy process.  We can change your program for you. If they prefer they can also add-on exercise programs.  Please be aware that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all purchases are generally non-refundable and non-exchangeable unless otherwise specified in our Refund Policy or required by applicable law. To determine your eligibility for a refund and obtain relevant instructions, please refer to our Refund Policy .If you have any questions in relation to the subscription terms, please contact us by texting us.  We want to be able to handle the problem as fast as possible.  Text us at 803-316-4061.  Or you email us at